
The 2024 $1 commemorative circulation coin pays tribute to L. M. Montgomery, a Canadian literary icon whose writing is treasured by millions worldwide. On the 150th anniversary of her birth, the creator of Anne of Green Gables is the first author to be featured on a Canadian circulation coin, and, fittingly, its design celebrates her creativity.

Available in colourized and non-colourized

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The 2024 $1 commemorative circulation coin pays tribute to L. M. Montgomery, a Canadian literary icon whose writing is treasured by millions worldwide. On the 150th anniversary of her birth, the creator of Anne of Green Gables is the first author to be featured on a Canadian circulation coin, and, fittingly, its design celebrates her creativity.

Available in colourized and non-colourized

Each Special Wrap Roll contains 25 coins; the reverse of each coin offers a view of the Prince Edward Island landscape that inspired so many of Montgomery’s stories, and through her, the world.

Designed by Canadian artist Brenda Jones, the $1 coin’s reverse features a profile portrait of beloved Canadian author L. M. Montgomery (1874-1942) around the time Anne of Green Gables was written, along with the author’s signature and the cat drawing she often included in inscriptions. As a tribute to the power of imagination in Montgomery’s life and works, the coin design flows from the view of the author putting pen to paper (represented by the portfolio and inkwell) to that of the novel’s eponymous heroine gazing out at Canada’s Prince Edward Island—the idyllic setting for Anne of Green Gables, and the real-life inspiration for many of Montgomery’s stories. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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