Numismatics for Everyone, by Serge Pelletier


This new release is a bilingual English-French compendium of numismatics containing 16,000+ entries inspired by books of the past four centuries. But do not let this intimidate you, the book was designed to appeal equally to collectors at every level, from beginner to advanced, students, and researchers.

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SKU: 368649 Category:


This new release is a bilingual English-French compendium of numismatics containing 16,000+ entries inspired by books of the past four centuries. But do not let this intimidate you, the book was designed to appeal equally to collectors at every level, from beginner to advanced, students, and researchers.
“Serge Pelletier has long been a contributor of valued knowledge to the numismatic pursuit. This latest contribution is certainly no exception. I personally recommend it highly to any adherent of our collecting community seeking to broaden their depth of knowledge in the field.” – Clifford Mishler, Co-author of the Standard Catalog of World Coins

Additional information

Weight 1.65 kg
Dimensions 28 × 21 × 3.5 cm
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Trajan Media

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