
‘Let’s Talk Exhibiting’ — a detailed book from The RPSC on exhibiting at all levels


Philatelic exhibiting is an exciting area within which we stamp collectors share our collecting interests with others. Collecting a topic in great detail, drafting up exhibit pages to present our material, and composing text on each page to tell the story of what is being shown is an intensely satisfying pursuit.

Competitive philatelic exhibiting is the organized way this is done; wherein, by following a few simple guidelines, our exhibits are shown to others in formal competition. Exhibits are scored, medals may be awarded, special prizes dispensed, and constructive feedback for further improvements is proffered by recognized judges who are also advanced collectors themselves.

By understanding the guidelines of exhibit preparation, collectors discover ways to showcase their material to its best effect. This book spells out the nuts and bolts of how this is all done.

All in all, however, exhibiting is constantly changing as exhibitors learn to showcase their material in innovative and creative ways. Read then then, in the spirit of discovery, and determine for yourself how you can use any of its content as a springboard to create or improve your own exhibits.

RPSC members receive a $15 discount off the book’s regular price.


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titled Let’s Talk Exhibiting, it’s authored by philatelist David Piercey, of Edmonton, Alta., who’s a well-known author, exhibitor and judge. Piercey has written an exhibiting column of the same name for nearly every issue of the Canadian Philatelist, the RPSC’s bimonthly journal, since 2013. For about half a decade, he has also written CSN’s book review column, “Philatelic Bookshelf.” The book  features all 45 of Piercey’s Canadian Philatelist columns with real-world examples from 20 award-winning exhibitors, Profusely illustrated with exhibit pages from many different award-winning exhibits by Canadian exhibitors, the author discusses getting started in exhibiting, exhibit types, exhibit evaluation criteria, and the intricacies of creating effective exhibits and exhibit pages.

Each chapter focuses on a specific topic with details on what exhibitors “need to consider when they put their own exhibits together,” Piercey said. In an example related to CAPEX 22, which includes an extensive single-frame exhibition, one of the book’s chapters delves into the single-frame exhibit format.

“If you’re going to do a one-frame exhibit, you really have to think about a concept called ‘fit’ – how closely the exhibit meets the criteria – so there’s a whole chapter on fit and what fit entails,” added Piercey.

Some of the other chapters highlight how to use whitespace, how to display non-philatelic material on a page with philatelic material and how to exhibit postcards, postal history plus thematic and topical collections.

“No matter what you might want to exhibit, there’s probably something there that you can use for your own exhibit development.”

The book also includes a bibliography, “so anyone who wants to dig deeper into this practice can look there and see what else is available,” he added.

It’s also believed to be the first modern book published with a specific focus on how to exhibit from a Canadian perspective.

“It’s hard to find books on exhibiting, and a lot of them have an American slant because they’re written by Americans,” Piercey said, describing his book as a comprehensive “do-it-yourself” guide to exhibiting for all levels of exhibitors, including people who are interested in exhibiting.

As Canadian Stamp News and CSS is offering this online commercial service at minimal costs to The RPSC, this book does not qualify for the CSN Members’ Discount.

Memberships will be confirmed by The RPSC.



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